1-4 LOKamotion is a 3 guard 2 post continuous motion, track oriented(patterned) offense. that starts in a 1-4 set. In a track offense, players must stay on one "track" until the need for a counter to the defense switches "tracks" (much like a train - hence "LOKamotion"!) and sends the play into a different set. All perimeter players can be interchangeable and both post players can be interchangeable. The offense is a combination of a 1-4 used by Larry Brown,Hank Egan, Charlie Kat,Kelvin Sampson,Gary Colsen and others.As a pressure release it flows into the box set used by Roy Williams at Kansas and North Carolina.Various counters and specials have been added along the way. Thanks goes to all coaches (especially those at "Holiday Rest Week") that have had parts of their offense stolen and melded into the 1-4 LOKamotion